Patient Information Doc Maker

    Please fill in the following:

    Telephone Number:

    If female, are you currently pregnant? Yes No

    Release of liability:
    | affirm that the information on this form is correct and that any medical history presented or discussed with the doctor is factual and complete. | do not plan or intend to use my physician’s recommendation for the purpose of illegally obtaining medical marijuana. Solely for verification and medical purposes, | authorize to converse with the physician, staff, and representatives of this HIPPA compliant practice regarding my confidential medical history and qualifying medical marijuana condition. | understand that | must be a Florida State resident to obtain approval or recommendation for the use of medical marijuana under the Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act SB 8-A-Medical Use of Marijuana.

    | also affirm that | am interested to learn more about medical marijuana and how it may be used to treat my qualifying medical condition.